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Fortified Foods

Sauces & Condiments

CodePack SizeDescriptionProduct ProfileMeatblock
VIN0075KgMustard SauceMustard and acidic notes Use as required
VIN0085KgChilli Saucehot and spicyUse as required
VIN01220KgBoerewors Sauce Acidic, fermented, musty taste.Use as required
VIN0025Kg10% White Vinegar Acidic notesUse as required
VIN0065KgChunky BBQ Sauce BBQ type flavor, acidicUse as required
VIN009B5KgSweet Chilli Sauce Sweet and spicy notes. Use as required
VIN0055KgWorcestor Sauce Sour, typical of Worcester sauceUse as required
VIN0045Kg10% Brown Vinegar Acidic notesUse as required
VIN0095KgTomato Sauce Tomato and acidic noteUse as required
VIN006B20KgBurger SauceSweet and spicy with molasses notes.Use as required