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Fortified Foods


CodePack SizeDescriptionProduct ProfileRecommended Dosage
SC0371kgBiltong Cure STD A traditional biltong flavour with coriander, black pepper, coarse salt and flavourants. 1Kg suitable for 17-20Kg of meat
SC03810KgBiltong Cure STD A traditional biltong flavour with coriander, black pepper, coarse salt and flavourants. 10Kg suitable for 170-200Kg of meat
SC037B1kgS.A Biltong A typical biltong flavour with predominant notes of coriander, black pepper and strong meaty notes.Use 40-50grams per kg meat
SC037G1kgWarrior Biltong A typical biltong flavour with predominant notes of coriander, black pepper, herb and strong meaty notes.Use 40-50grams per kg meat.
SC037K1kgSavanna Biltong A granulated dark brown spice with a strong coriander taste with a distinctive pepper aftertaste.Use 20-30grams per kg meat.
SC0391.5kgPepper Stick SpiceBlend of crushed coriander, black pepper together with a biltong flavour.1.5Kg suitable for 26-30Kg of meat
SN0401kgChilli Bite SeasoningA flavoursome , spicy blend of cayenne pepper, garlic and other spices. This has a medium to strong burnSprinkle generously over biltong for an added burst of spicy aroma and taste.
SN040A1kgChilli Bite Seasoning Extra HotA flavoursome spicy blend of cayenne pepper to give a pungent lingering burn with garlic and other spices.Sprinkle generously over biltong for an added burst of spicy aroma, pungency and taste.
SC0880.6KgCabanossiA savoury blend of ginger, chilli, garlic topnotes and smoke.0.6Kg yields 15.6Kg end product.
SC0291kgDry Wors STDA blend of coriander and black pepper with strong biltong notes.1Kg yields 30.25Kg end product
SC081F1.1kgSA DroeworsA blend of coriander, cloves and nutmeg with a black pepper aftertaste.1.1Kg yields 33.1Kg end product